Sunday, November 15, 2009

Tiny Stowaway discovered!

This was the scene the other morning as Ethan headed out to school. Amelia found this hiding spot much to her liking, and was more than happy to head out to school to learn with Ethan. I guess she could remind him to turn in that homework that Lara spent all the last night help him with!

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Green Eggs and Ham

Our black chickens lay green eggs. I fixed Ivie bacon and eggs for breakfast the other day and realized I was "Sam I am" trying to get Ivie to eat green eggs and Ham. I did not have to try hard, she loves bacon and eggs.

we also have wild chickens in the neighborhood, they have started to lay eggs in the bushes in our backyard... hopefully they will not be a bad influence on our tame chickens. Look at the eggs in Isobell's small hands..they are small eggs.

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Halloween's Spooky Girlfriend

Halloween candy is still being eaten at the Orchard House. We have threatened several times to take away the rest if all those wrappers don't make it into the trash! Ivie Dyed her hair for the occasion, she looks quite different! Aaron's Birthday gift from Grandma and Stine was a purple DS, he has been drawing pictures in it non-stop ever since!