Saturday, October 22, 2011


I went in to use the Bathroom the other day, when I got in there and shut the door I found this on the backside of the door. I think it is a sign that says "start saving for professional counseling"

Creative, but disturbing... can you guess who did this?

Monday, October 10, 2011

RanDoM piCs from this summer, 2011

Isobell and Rose fishing at Spirit Lake

Rose, Hannah, and Amelia... almost ready for the Lake..

Front to Back, Ivie, Amelia, Elise, Lara, Isobell, Aaron, Ethan in the canoe at Spirit Lake, notice how Amelia doesn't look so happy?

Lara and Elise(asleep)on Bear Lake in my Dad's boat....

Ethan and Amelia (unhappy)on Spirit Lake in a paddle boat...

Isobell all gussied up, one of the neighborhood kids did this to both Isobell and Elise, fun but hard to get off.....

Todd and the 2 little girls playing in the sand at Bear Lake..

Amelia on the back porch with some cream soda, Notice the name and phone number on here hand? I wrote that on there just before we went to Kholes to do some shopping...Yup you guessed it, she wandered away and some dude called us....

Amelia and Dad on cousin Art's 'Sea-Flash' at Bear Lake...

Ethan in his Sunday best..

The 3 Little girls in the back of a Handcart. This is the first morning at Martin's Cove in Wyoming, most of them ended up walking the 10 mile route that day, accept Amelia who stayed in the back of the cart...

Todd and Ethan pulling the handcart as we departed camp at 7 am for a 10 mile trip..

A water crossing, we did not get to cross the Platte river as it was too high, but there were frequent stream and bog crossings. You can see Lara and Aaron in the background about to wade into the water. Our good friend Diane is in the fore ground

Lara, Isobell, and Aaron; this was about as close to pioneer garb as Aaron would come. Notice the tight grip on Aaron's hand from Mom? He needed a bit of "loving encouragement" , he later did the walking on his own...

The Kids at Bear lake burying each other in the warm cat po...Oh Lara says I can't write that.