Our Costco Christmas tree died about 10 days ago, we did not dare to turn the lights on for fear it might spontaneously combust...
They were held in check for as long as we could, even the dog wanted to tear into the gifts...
She might have only wanted 2 front teeth (although she was in need of about 5), but she got cute clothes, Pajamas and a bike from Grandpa Orchard, a huge case of makeup and monster high dolls...
Ethan got some watercolors and paper, a few new drawing tools, some tools and a new hat...
its a good thing these kids like to read...
Millie is the essence of a Childlike Christmas Spirit. It was her sweet and loud voice that announced this morning "its Christmas!!!!" from the top of the stairs... she got fairy dolls and strawberry shortcake Pajamas, along with some watercolor supplies...
Aaron and his PS Vita are now inseparable, he also got a sketch book and a some drawing tools, notice Ivie's reaction to the iPhone5 c she and Ethan both got...
Ivie and Ethan... techno geeks,, blue and green Iphones
We found these great pop up books at Costco.. "the Wizard of Oz", "the Little Mermaid", and " Alice in wonderland"... I can;t wait to read these to them.
Isobell got this miniature compound bow; she will have to get a bit more strength in her arms to pull the string to full draw...
Ivie wanted only a few things; a Cross Bow, miniature Scriptures, and a case of chili... this was her plan and provisions to face the zombie apocalypses... she didn't get the case of chili.
What a wonderful and spirited Christmas we have enjoyed. We love you all. Merry Christmas.